Addiction Treatment Services
Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program

Astra Behavioral Health's Adult (18+) virtual intensive outpatient program, occurs online through a secure, HIPAA compliant teleconference platform hosted by our Masters level Therapist, three days a week. Our program focuses on treating one's emotional, mental, physical health and the impact that substance use and mental health has on the whole person.
The Freedom Recovery program offers two virtual adult group times to best fit into our client's work, school and family schedules. We aim to break down any barriers that may hinder our clients from receiving treatment.
IOP Group Schedule:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Daytime Group: 10:00am - 1:00pm EST
Evening Group: 5:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Freedom Recovery utilizes a team approach to provide our clients with an encompassing treatment plan personalized to their individual recovery goals. A recovery treatment team could consist of the following:
Therapist: our recovery therapist provides multiple forms of therapy to group participates including individual, group and family counseling.
Psychiatrist/Nurse Practitioner: our Psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioners work with participants to monitor and manage prescribed psychiatric medications.
Primary Care Physician: we are obligated to inform our client's Primary Care Physician of their group participation, and we may need to communicate with them during the course of treatment, if appropriate.
Patient Care Coordinator: guides participates through the recovery program and should be your main point of contact for additional support for the duration of treatment.
Targeted Case Management: if eligible, targeted case management is strongly recommended to assist you in obtaining resources such as housing, applying for insurance, state programs, transportation, clothing, outside appointments, and much more.
Wrap-around services offered to Intensive Outpatient Program participates include:
Medication Assisted Treatment
Case Management services
Medication Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to treat substance use disorders. Medications used in MAT programs are FDA approved and known to be a highly affective first-line treatment options.
Medications we use within our MAT program:
Suboxone - buprenorphine/naloxone tablets
Sublocade - buprenorphine; monthly injection
Subutex - buprenorphine sublingual tablets
Vivitrol - naltrexone; monthly injection
ReVia or Depade - naltrexone tablets
Lucemyra - lofexidine tablets
MAT medications work by blocking the euphoric effects of alcohol and opioids, relieving physiological cravings, and normalizing brain chemistry.
The benefits of MAT over other types of treatment have been well demonstrated. Over 500 peer-reviewed research studies have shown that MAT reduces cravings, reduces illicit opioid and alcohol use, provides relief from opioid withdrawal symptoms, and significantly decreases relapse rates.
Other benefits of Medication-assisted Treatment:
Improved patient survival - recent studies have found that the use of MAT medications, combined with regular therapy, reduces the death rate among those living with chemical dependency by 50% or more.
Decreased alcohol and opiate use - studied have found in patients who are prescribed MAT medications for opiate and/or alcohol use disorder, 90% maintain sobriety at the 2-year mark.
Relief from debilitating withdrawal symptoms - buprenorphine tricks the brain by interacting with the same receptors that heroin works on. In this way, Suboxone eliminates the harsh withdrawal effects that occur at the beginning of detox.
Curbing or eliminating opiate and/or alcohol cravings - vivitrol and buprenorphine both work by tricking the same receptors opiates and alcohol interact with into believing they are still taking in opiates or alcohol. This process eliminates cravings because the receptors do not crave what they believe they still have.